ESET joins Cybersecurity Tech Accord in fight against cybercrime

ESET joins Cybersecurity Tech Accord in fight against cybercrime

ESET has partnered with more than thirty other technology companies and joined the Cybersecurity Tech Accord

It was more than 30 years ago that the founders of ESET created the first version of the now globally recognised anti-malware product used on more than 110 million devices in homes, workplaces and on mobile devices.

Their commitment, and that of everyone at ESET, is as strong today as it was back then, which is the reason ESET has partnered with more than 30 other technology companies and joined the Cybersecurity Tech Accord.

The connected world touches virtually every aspect of society, from agriculture to space exploration, on to smartphones and the infrastructure providing our energy.

Connectivity continues to expand on a daily basis and is set to continue to grow even faster with the Internet of Things (IoT). According to ESET, we are the generation living the technology revolution, one which will change society forever.

Malicious actors, whether criminal, political or those just in it for disruption, continue to exploit and undermine the free, open and secure internet.

There are numerous examples, whether it’s the blackouts in Ukraine in 2015 and 2016 or impacts to global medical services in 2017 by ransomware.

Protecting the online environment is a collective issue – no single company can provide the security, stability and resilience that cyberspace requires. By working together with a shared set of principles, the Cybersecurity Tech Accord hopes to leverage the combined commitment in order to negate the effects on cyberspace brought about by malicious actors.

Cybersecurity Tech Accord members commit to upholding the accord’s core principles to ensure that protecting people, and consideration of ways to improve the security, resilience and stability of cyberspace, remain a top priority.

The four main principles each member adopts are summarised below.

ESET will:

  1. Protect all customers and users
  2. Oppose cyberattacks on innocent citizens and enterprises from anywhere
  3. Help empower users, customers and developers to strengthen cybersecurity protection
  4. Partner with each other and with like-minded groups to enhance cybersecurity

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord is the largest group of companies to have ever become collectively involved and to have made a commitment to individually and jointly protect people and companies in this way. The combined resources of the members will make it a formidable force against cybercrime.

“We are delighted to become a member of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord. It furthers the 30 years of commitment and unblemished track record that ESET has already established in protecting people, data and devices,” said Juraj Malcho, CTO at ESET.

“With nation states and organisations developing cyberattacks that sometimes fall into the wrong hands, as we saw with the exploit used to deliver WannaCryptor last year, it’s important we take collective action to stop malicious actors.”

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