One in five security professionals won’t bet a chocolate bar they could prevent a damaging breach

One in five security professionals won’t bet a chocolate bar they could prevent a damaging breach

Ivanti, a provider of the Ivanti Neurons automation platform that discovers, manages, secures and services IT assets from cloud to edge, has announced the results of its State of Security Preparedness 2023 study.

Ivanti worked with cybersecurity experts and surveyed 6,500 executive leaders, cybersecurity professionals and office workers to understand the perception of today’s cybersecurity threats and find out how companies are preparing for yet-unknown future threats.

The report revealed that despite a stunning 97% of leaders and security professionals reporting their organisation is as prepared or more prepared to defend against cybersecurity attacks than they were a year ago, one in five wouldn’t bet a chocolate bar they could prevent a damaging breach.

In fact, the study finds that organisations are racing to fortify against cyberattacks, but the industry still struggles with a reactive, checklist mentality. This is most pronounced in how security teams are prioritising patches. While 92% of security professionals reported they have a method to prioritise patches, they also indicated that all types of patches rank high – meaning none do.

“Patching is not nearly as simple as it sounds,” said Srinivas Mukkamala, Chief Product Officer at Ivanti. “Even well-staffed, well-funded IT and security teams experience prioritisation challenges amidst other pressing demands. To reduce risk without increasing workload organisations must implement a risk-based patch management solution and leverage automation to identify, prioritise and even address vulnerabilities without excess manual intervention.”

Cybersecurity insiders view phishing, ransomware and software vulnerabilities as top industry-level threats for 2023.

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