Empower your business with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions

Empower your business with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions

While organisations grapple with increasingly complex cybersecurity challenges, the need for robust solutions has never been more urgent. Fortunately, recent findings from a report by Intel and Intelligent CXO indicate that organisations are recognising the importance of proactive measures and investing in advanced cybersecurity strategies. Krishan Parmar, of Intelligent CIO Europe, tells us more.

Understanding the threat landscape

Understanding how UK SMBs navigate cybersecurity challenges and optimise performance explores the current cybersecurity and IT challenges facing SMBs in the UK. IT directors, IT managers and VP/executive directors of IT were surveyed about their experiences and plans regarding remote working and cybersecurity. The report gave an overview of the current evolution of the threat landscape, highlighted the complexities of managing cybersecurity and revealed how organisations plan to prioritise and invest.

Building resilience

Addressing sophisticated cyberthreats requires a comprehensive approach. This is the reason why organisations are turning to platforms specifically designed for businesses which offer multilevel security measures and robust incident response capabilities. This emphasis on holistic security approaches is further underscored by the high level of confidence expressed by respondents in protecting against firmware-level attacks.

Seamless operations

Efficient device management is crucial in ensuring seamless operations, especially in today’s remote work environment. Almost half of respondents surveyed (44%) stated significant reliance on multilevel security measures when protecting against software level attacks while remote management poses technical and cultural challenges for enterprises, forward-thinking organisations are taking a long-term view and partnering with trusted providers to future-proof their hybrid environments.

Protecting data systems

Managing data systems is of paramount importance as organisations are aware of the financial and operational repercussions of downtime. This highlights the urgent need for reliable and stable solutions that not only enhance data analysis and PC performance but also offer strong protection against prevalent cyberthreats such as phishing and ransomware attacks.

Leading the pack

As organisations prioritise efficiencies and seek to reduce their attack surface, solutions providers offering AI-powered protections will be best place to lead the pack. One fifth of participants highlighted the significance of incorporating AI capabilities (20%) during an IT refresh showing this strong area of growth. By addressing the most prevalent cyberthreats (phishing attacks cited by 37% respondents and ransomware attacks by 20% of those surveyed) while enhancing overall system performance, these providers align with organisations’ objectives and help safeguard against disruptions.

A holistic approach

The report emphasises the importance of a holistic approach to cybersecurity and IT governance. By integrating AI capabilities into PC platforms, organisations can effectively address evolving challenges and enhance security, maximise efficiency and maintain a seamless user experience.

Intel vPro: Built for business

Now is the time to empower your business with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take proactive steps to safeguard your digital assets and stay ahead of cyberthreats. Partner with a trusted solutions provider and invest in the future of your organisation’s cybersecurity.  

New and emerging threats require a comprehensive approach to security, so the latest generations of Intel vPro provide AI-boosted protections at the hardware level and throughout the stack so your business is better protected. IT is prepared for anything with a full suite of next-gen manageability tools to enable and support users no matter where they work, including more options to support a sustainable PC lifecycle. Reliable, powerful performance keeps users happy, productive and prepared for new AI workloads. 

Learn more at www.intel.co.uk/vpro

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