The BBC Pension Scheme has disclosed a data security incident involving the personal information of some of its members.
In a statement, a spokesperson detailed the nature of the breach, the types of data involved, and the immediate steps taken to address the situation and protect affected members.
A BBC Pension Scheme Spokesperson said: “The BBC’s information security team has alerted us to a data security incident, in which some BBC Pension Scheme records have been copied from an online data storage service.
“It is important to stress that this information did not contain any bank details, financial information, telephone numbers, email addresses, username or passwords and did not involve the Pension Scheme website or our member portal. However, the information included details such as names, National Insurance numbers, dates of birth, sex and the home addresses of some of our pension scheme members.
“We sincerely apologise to members affected by this and appreciate this will be concerning. We want to reassure members that the BBC has responded quickly and that the source of the incident has been secured. We are working at pace with specialist teams internally and externally to understand how this happened and to monitor the situation. As a precaution, additional security measures have also been put in place.
“Whilst there is no action members need to take, it is important to be vigilant for any activity that seems unusual. We have written/are writing to members affected informing them of the incident, along with advice and support through our website and pension service line. We are also offering Scheme members affected free access to the Experian Identity Plus credit and web monitoring service, as an additional layer of security should they wish to use it.
“The incident has been reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office and the Pensions Regulator.”
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