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The contours of a successful encryption strategy

Data is the new age currency and extremely valuable to organisations. However, there is somebody else who also has an eye on this data – the cybercriminal. While you leverage the potential of your organisational data to drive business growth, the cybercriminal sees your data as a money making opportunity. He wants to grab your […]

Ensuring an always-on business during the holiday season

With the vacation season approaching in the Middle East, employees in the region are looking to either fly back to their home countries or to holiday destinations with cooler climes. This does not mean, however, that expectations of continuous access to applications, services and data should be lowered. In fact, times when staff resources are […]

Understanding the common motives behind DDoS cyber attacks

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks continue to be one of the most prevalent methods hackers use to disrupt businesses. Involving the use of multiple systems (personal computers, smartphones, etc.), DDoS attacks overload an organisation’s network by generating web traffic that can’t be accommodated by the system’s capacity limits. Unlike with other forms of cyber attacks, DDoS […]

Can you afford $500 per minute of internet downtime?

Many organisations have no clue how much one minute of internet downtime costs them, or haven’t stopped to think about it, says Tom Beinkowski, Director of Product Marketing at Arbor Networks. As a result, they greatly underestimate the impact of one of the most common causes of downtime – DDoS attacks. Almost every organisation now depends on the […]

Building a secure DNS architecture for NFV

It’s been well established that Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) provides important benefits to service providers. Not only does it provide cost savings by reducing operational costs and truck rolls to deploy new hardware, but it also improves the speed with which new network services can be introduced. According to Dilip Pillaipakkamnatt, Vice President, Service Provider […]

Preparing for smokescreen DDoS attacks

The threat landscape is more complex than ever, and establishing a cyber-security strategy in 2016 entails accounting for a number of different factors. Hackers will employ a variety of techniques to achieve their goals. In order to establish a viable defence, enterprises and VARs must select the necessary technology for countering different forms of attacks, […]

An integrated approach to the security threat defence lifecycle

Attackers today use multiple techniques to penetrate an organisations’ infrastructure and compromise their vital data assets or systems. In the opinion of Raj Samani, VP and CTO at Intel Security EMEA, this problem has only been exasperated with the proliferation of the cloud and IoT and today’s targeted multiphase attacks consist of a series of steps […]

Kaspersky Lab finds security weaknesses in Health IT

A Kaspersky Lab Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT) expert has conducted real field research at one private clinic in an attempt to explore its security weaknesses and how to address them. Vulnerabilities were found in medical devices that opened a door for cybercriminals to access the personal data of patients, as well as their […]

Preventing DNS-based data exfiltration

Theft of sensitive or regulated data and intellectual property is one of the most serious risks to an enterprise. DNS is frequently used as a pathway for data exfiltration, because it is not inspected by common security products such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDSs), and proxies, writes Cherif Sleiman, General Manager, Middle East at Infoblox. […]

Securing infrastructure and data from DNS-based threats

DNS, or Domain Name System, is the protocol used for converting fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) like into machine-usable IP addresses that computers use to communicate with each other. Without a working DNS protocol, it would be almost impossible to have an Internet of Things that communicate with each other and organizations would not […]

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