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Mobile telecom industry making rapid progress towards 5G

A BPI Network survey found operators are rethinking security in light of 5G network traffic, a dramatic increase in connected devices and new mission-critical use cases. Mobile service providers say they are making substantial progress towards ushering in a new generation of 5G networks that will enable ultra-high-speed mobile connectivity and a wide variety of […]

38% of South African consumers would disclose their social media activity for government monitoring

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of local consumers say they are happy for the government to monitor social media activity to keep its citizens safe, according to Kaspersky’s latest report, Social credits and security: Embracing the world of ratings. The report reveals people’s perception of social ratings and if they are prepared to be a part of […]

How have companies transformed their cyberdefences in response to recent events?

Amir Kanaan, Managing Director for Middle East, Turkey and Africa, Kaspersky, explains how Kaspersky is helping healthcare organisations, consumers, businesses and employees during the pandemic. These are strange times for businesses and consumers alike. Since the World Health Organisation announced that COVID-19 was to be labelled a global pandemic, drastic changes have happened to almost […]

Matrix42 expert on adapting to and embracing the ‘new normal’

As we continue to navigate through uncharted waters during the global pandemic, organisations across the globe are recognising that the abrupt changes that have been made to the way we work may not be short-term. But what challenges do businesses need to overcome to ensure they have a robust remote working strategy in place? And […]

XDS launches web-based facial recognition customer on-boarding solution

Xpert Decision Systems (XDS), the largest locally owned credit information bureau in South Africa, has launched a new automated facial biometric solution. This web-based solution will enable its clients to remotely and securely verify the identity of an individual in real-time, which is likely to reduce associated risks of third party fraud. Vic Esterhuizen, Executive: […]

Report: Malware infects 1.69 million Android handsets in South Africa

Secure-D from Upstream detected 1.69 million malware-infected Android devices in South Africa last year. Within many popular apps, malware is lurking unseen and committing background fraud that targets advertisers, operators and consumers. The blocked transactions came from more than 18,000 different applications. While the rogue apps behave normally on a smartphone’s screen, they surreptitiously click […]

Hackers push malicious, fake Coronavirus apps to take over Android

Check Point Research has identified malicious applications, masquerading as innocuous Coronavirus apps, that are designed to take control of Android devices. Once the malicious application is installed, a hacker takes intrusive control of the device via a remote shell, accessing a person’s calls, SMS, calendar, files, contacts, microphone and camera, in addition to write, add […]

As quarantine continues, online shopping and streaming phishing multiplies

Kaspersky experts have reported on the rapid growth of phishing attacks with websites that imitate online shopping and streaming platforms. Comparing the numbers for Q1 2019 and the same period this year, the share of users attacked by fake e-shops doubled, growing from nine to 18% of users, while the figure for streaming services tripled […]

xHelper – the Trojan that’s nearly impossible to remove

Last year, a particularly indelible malware was discovered attacking Android-based devices: the now infamous xHelper Trojan, which is nearly impossible to remove from a device. As of March 2020, the xHelper has infected over 55,000 phones around the world and the attacks continue. After xHelper is installed, it runs a series of downloads of other […]

Avast launches all-new mobile browser with complete data encryption

Avast, a global leader in digital security products, has released an Android version of Avast Secure Browser to extend its platform support beyond Windows and Mac on desktop to mobile. The introduction of a multi-platform browser is part of Avast’s on-going focus to converge security and privacy services to enable a safer, more private and […]

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