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Opening the lines of communication between CISOs and the board

As the threat landscape widens, CISOs and the board must work closely and effectively to ensure they remain focused on the same goal: building a company-wide security culture and protecting their people and data. Andrew Rose, Resident CISO, Proofpoint, says that while it’s encouraging to see that cybersecurity is finally a focus of conversations across […]

Research finds 48% of global critical manufacturing at significant risk of breach

Global cybersecurity risk measurement standard is needed to build cyber-resilience and address critical infrastructure trust deficit, says SecurityScorecard. Recognising the persistent threat posed by ransomware attacks to organisations of all sizes, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has announced the establishment of its new pilot to actively warn critical infrastructure entities about such vulnerabilities. […]

Big drop in ransomware payments revealed but ‘highly concentrated’ core of attackers keeps active

A new report reveals a dramatic drop in ransomware payments but warns a core group of attackers remains ‘highly concentrated’. The latest Crypto Crime Report by Chainalysis says that in 2022, total ransomware revenue fell to its lowest in three years. And while attackers still received at least US$456.8 million, this represents a huge 40.3% […]

Retail industry the second most targeted industry by ransomware, Sophos survey finds

Sophos, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity, has published a new sectoral survey report, The State of Ransomware in Retail 2022, which found that retail had the second highest rate of ransomware attacks last year of all sectors surveyed after the media, leisure and entertainment industry. Globally, 77% of retail organisations surveyed were hit – […]

ICO and NCSC stand together against ransomware payments

Solicitors are being asked to play their part in keeping the UK safe online by helping to tackle the rise in organisations paying out to ransomware criminals. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) have been told that some firms are paying ransoms with the expectation that this is the right […]

Largest ransom pay-outs by cyber-insurers averaged £3.2 million in the past two years

Panaseer, an enterprise security company, has released its latest report on the state of the cyber-insurance industry. The survey of global insurers across the UK and US found that 82% are expecting the rise in premiums to continue, with 74% of insurers agreeing that their inability to accurately understand a customer’s security posture is impacting […]

‘Safeguarding civilisation’: Protecting critical infrastructure against cyberattacks

Research from Dragos has highlighted that the industrial sector attracted increased unwanted attention from adversaries last year. With attackers continuing to up the ante and the consequences of an attack proving potentially devastating, defenders must review and prioritise their OT security strategies. Seth Enoka, Principal Industrial Incident Responder, Dragos, talks us through the research and […]

Bad actors innovate, extort and launch 9.7M DDoS attacks in 2021, according to report

NETSCOUT Systems has announced findings from its bi-annual Threat Intelligence Report. During the second half of 2021, cybercriminals launched approximately 4.4 million Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, bringing the total number of DDoS attacks in 2021 to 9.75 million. These attacks represent a 3% decrease from the record number set during the height of […]

Illumio expert on confronting modern ransomware with Zero Trust segmentation

Modern ransomware uses advanced attack techniques that make it difficult to detect and remediate, resulting in greater financial implications for many organisations. To have a chance of getting ahead of attackers, defences also need to evolve. Here, Trevor Dearing, Technical Director, EMEA, Illumio, highlights how Zero Trust segmentation can stop ransomware in its tracks, as […]

Pure Storage enables organisations to close the ransomware security gap

Pure Storage, an IT pioneer that delivers Storage-as-a-Service in a multi-cloud world, has addressed the state of ransomware security among modern businesses, highlighting the importance of backup and recovery to build a comprehensive data protection strategy.  Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common in today’s digital world, presenting a frequent and expensive risk to businesses everywhere. In fact, Cybersecurity Ventures predicts […]

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