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TX Group implements Cybereason solution to achieve its cybersecurity vision

Andreas Schneider, Group CISO at TX Group, tells us how the Swiss media company required a threat detection technology that could secure its Zero Trust deployment and more importantly, take automated responses. The organisation was looking for a simple and modern solution that could be primarily operated centrally, but also decentralised for those who require […]

Brewin Dolphin invests in the security of its client data

As one of the UK’s leading wealth managers, Brewin Dolphin recognises the importance of operating with robust technical and physical solutions in place to provide data security for its customers. Simon Mair, Head of Information Security and Data Privacy at Brewin Dolphin, discusses the importance of investing in the protection of client data and tells […]

UK’s most popular hotel brands putting customers at risk of email fraud

The hospitality industry remains a key target for cybercriminals, highlighted by the fact that a staggering 88% of the most popular hotel brands among UK consumers fail to actively block fraudulent emails from reaching customers. Proofpoint offers some top tips for remaining safe online when booking a hotel stay. Proofpoint, a leading cybersecurity and compliance […]

Five keys to mitigating today’s ransomware risks

Dmitry Dontov, CEO and Chief Architect of Spin Technology, considers the best ways to approach modern ransomware prevention in the modern workplace. Ransomware attacks grew by 435% in 2020 compared to 2019 and this increase is not expected to slow down anytime soon. To put that into perspective, ransomware attacks have outpaced the already massive […]

Inside the mind of a cyber criminal

Cyber criminals come in many different flavours, but the majority of them are in it for one thing: financial pay-off. They want the money that comes with offering their tools or services, selling stolen data, extortion like ransomware or plain fraud. And they all have one thing in common – your organisation is on their […]

‘Voice of the CISO’: Proofpoint research shines light on security challenges

Proofpoint’s 2021 Voice of the CISO Report has provided insight into the pain points for CISOs, as well as their key priorities looking ahead. Andrew Rose, Resident CISO, Proofpoint, talks us through the findings of the research and highlights how security leaders in the Middle East are dealing with the modern, complex threatscape. Can you […]

Matrix42 CEO on enabling a smart and secure digital workspace

Organisations around the world are now relying on digital tools to help them deliver positive experiences for both their employees and end users, particularly given the shift to remote working brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, Oliver Bendig, CEO, Matrix42, talks us through the challenges and pain points for customers, as well as how […]

Go Phish: Todd Moore, Vice President Encryption Solutions, Thales

We ‘Go Phishing’ with Todd Moore, Vice President Encryption Solutions, Thales, who tells us about life both in and outside the office. What would you describe as your most memorable achievement in the cybersecurity industry?The cybersecurity industry has evolved tremendously over the past 30 years, but the one thing that never gets old is hearing […]

QR codes lure Brits into a false sense of security as UK economy unlocks

Despite 90% of UK respondents having scanned a QR code in the last six months, almost half still don’t know if they have mobile security software. Ivanti, the automation platform that helps make every IT connection smarter and more secure, has announced the results of a study, which found that 96% of UK respondents have scanned […]

New Cybereason ransomware study reveals true cost to UAE businesses

Cybereason study finds 90% of UAE organisations that paid a ransom demand were hit again, 63% reported significant loss of business. Cybereason, a leader in future-ready attack protection, has released research findings from a global ransomware study of nearly 1,300 security professionals. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), 37% of surveyed companies reported that they […]

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