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Why the WFH economy is accelerating a shift to people-centric security

The pandemic has forced organisations and their employees to adapt to more remote ways of working and it’s up to CISOs to ensure this is done with security in mind to avoid being exploited by cybercriminals. Andrew Rose, Resident CISO for EMEA at Proofpoint, discusses some of the current and developing cyber-risks, and how to […]

Employees continue to be the single largest threat to their company’s IT security

We asked industry experts how technology leaders can ensure the work practices of their colleagues do not put their company’s cybersecurity at risk. Here’s what Cam Roberson, VP of Channel Development at Beachhead Solutions, had to say. Employees continue to be the single largest threat to their company’s IT security. While the popular imagination of […]

Securing every link in the supply chain during COVID-19

COVID-19 has thrown a spanner in the works when it comes to operating the supply chain and organisations have been forced to adapt and plan for dramatic impacts up and down their supply chains. Richard Hibbert, CEO and Co-founder of SureCloud, provides his thoughts on the supply chain risks facing many organisations during the COVID-19 […]

Spike in cloud attacks shows businesses were not prepared to work from home

COVID-19 has brought about a work from home culture that is now the norm. Employees have therefore had to adapt and get to grips with the technologies they’re working with. Ryan Trost, CTO and Co-Founder of ThreatQuotient, discusses the importance of investing time and money into giving employees the know-how when transitioning to a new […]

Digital Shadows launches access key alerts

Digital Shadows, a leader in digital risk protection, has announced the ability to detect exposed access keys. A combination of misconfiguration, inexperience and laziness means that software developers are exposing access keys at an alarming rate. With threat actors routinely scouring code repositories for leaked keys, security teams need a fast, scalable solution to monitor […]

Two thirds of businesses experienced increase in endpoint and IoT security incidents

New research has shown that malware, insecure networks and remote access top the list of concerns for enterprises as organizations embracing home working and hybrid IT face growing cyberthreats. The ongoing global pandemic that has led to massive levels of remote work and an increased use of hybrid IT systems is leading to greater insecurity […]

Get To Know: Morey Haber, CTO and CISO at BeyondTrust

On the lighter side of things we ask Morey Haber, CTO and CISO at BeyondTrust about what makes him tick. What would you describe as your most memorable achievement? In 2017 I released my first of four books titled ‘Privileged Attack Vectors’.  Seeing a year’s worth of research, writing and endless editing produced a 300-page […]

HKBN Group deploys AI technology from Darktrace to manage enterprise-wide risk

HKBN Group is a major international player in the telecommunications market – boasting one-third of all households and one-half of all businesses in Hong Kong as customers. The company deployed Darktrace’s fundamental Immune System technology and its AI and Machine Learning capabilities exposed where its vulnerabilities lay with the result that sophisticated and novel threats […]

Building an organisation-wide cybersecurity culture requires a radical shift in thinking

Stephen Roostan, VP EMEA at Kenna Security, explains why every question from your CEO is an opportunity to shape the security culture in your organisation, and how adopting a risk-based vulnerability management mindset offers the best opportunity for success. When it comes to an organisation’s data security, what should a CISO’s top priority be, both […]

Study reveals 94% of global organisations suffered one or more business-impacting cyberattacks

How secure or at risk are organisations from cyberattacks? Only four out of 10 security leaders can answer this question with a high level of confidence. The Rise of the Business-Aligned Security Executive, a commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Tenable, surveyed over 800 security and business leaders. Its findings are sobering, […]

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